Body Therapy Education
…encourage efficient and effortless body use, encourage practitioners’ internal and business growth, and maximize assimilation of techniques that are safe, effective, clinically relevant, and respectful of the individual.
Our Commitment to You
We are dedicated to helping younger therapists achieve career satisfaction and longevity. Study with Body Therapy Education and be assured that you will receive:
- Respect for your time, money, individuality, and aspirations
- Wisdom and knowledge not mythology
- Attentive, individualized instruction so that you will thrive academically
- Practical, innovative, enjoyable, and affordable learning options
- Expansion of your employment and practice treatment options
Our Commitment to Humanity
What really fires my work is our world’s urgent need for “love, sweet love” in the form of skilled, connected touch. To counter the violence and separation so prevalent in many cultures, we need not touch technicians but somatic artists and scientists. That capability for meaningful contact comes with knowledge, experience and embodiment- and that is exactly what all of us at Body Therapy Education will enthusiastically share with you.
Authorized Instructors

Carole Osborne

Our Authorized Instructors
Body Therapy Education
Our Workshop & Project Assistants
Body Therapy EducationOther Key Personnel
Two especially talented women contributed immensely to the ongoing development of our maternity massage therapy programs: Liz Ellis and Linda Hickey. Read more about our esteemed Emeritus teachers.
Our current project managers make the wheels turn smoothly at Body Therapy Education. We couldn’t deliver in the classroom without them in the background. Read more.