Sunny days, ocean breezes and cool evenings! Body Therapy Education invites you to join us in our hometown of San Diego. You’ll love the Marina Village Conference Center, (Coral Room B-1845), which is centered in a tranquil resort on beautiful Mission Bay. This relaxed and professional setting features flower-filled courtyards and bayside views. Free parking, easy freeway access, and an open, sun-filled classroom space will all enhance your learning experience. You can enjoy San Diego’s beauty during one of the most economical times to stay at one of many hotels in the area. Class meets from 9 a.m. for the first three days and 8:30 a.m. on the last day and runs until 6 p.m. on all four days.
Investment for 32 CE hours is $595 before October 7th and $695 after.
A non-refundable $100 will hold your space in the workshop, with the balance due at check-in on November 7. Complete your registration online by clicking either the $100 deposit button or Registration button for full tuition payment. If you would like to pay by check, please mail it to Body Therapy Education, 1143 Sutter St., San Diego, CA 92103.
To register with a $100 Deposit, click the button below.